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Editor, MARIJUANA FEDERALISM: UNCLE SAM AND MARY JANE (Brookings Institution Press, 2020) See Here


Editor, BUSINESS AND THE ROBERTS COURT (Oxford University Press, 2016). See Here











Symposium Contributions

All the President’s Papers, 2019-20 CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW (2020) See Here


Conservative Minimalism and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW ONLINE (2020) See Here


Uncooperative Environmental Federalism 2.0, 71 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 1101 (2020). See Here


Introduction: Property in Ecology, 59 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL x (2019). See Here


Auer Evasions, 16 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 1 (2018). See Here


Regulatory Obstacles to Harm-Reduction: The Case of Smoking, 11 NYU JOURNAL OF LAW & LIBERTY 712 (2017). See Here


Introduction: In Search of the Pro-Business Court, 67 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 681 (2017). See Here


The Science Charade in Species Conservation, 24 SUPREME COURT ECONOMIC REVIEW 109 (2016). See Here


Persistent Threats to Commercial Speech, 25 JOURNAL OF LAW & POLICY 289 (2016). See Here


Restoring Chevron’s Domain, 81 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 983 (2016). See Here


Anti-Disruption Statutory Construction, 38 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW 509 (2016). See Here


The Senate Has No Constitutional Obligation to Consider Nominees, 24 GEO. MASON L. REV. 15 (2016). See Here


Of Kings to Come: The Future of Health Care Reform Still Remains in Federal Court, 20 JOURNAL OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY 133 (2016). See Here


King v. Burwell and the Triumph of Selective Contextualism (w/ Michael Cannon), 15 CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW 35 (2015). See Here


Dynamic Environmentalism and Adaptive Management: Legal Obstacles and Opportunities, 11 JOURNAL OF LAW, ECONOMICS & POLICY 133 (2015). See Here


Symposium Introduction: Marijuana, Federal Power & the States, 65 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW 505 (2015). See Here


Debate, King v. Burwell and the Validity of Federal Tax Subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, 163 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW ONLINE 215 (2015),. See Here


King v. Burwell: Desperately Seeking Ambiguity in Clear Statutory Text (w/ Michael Cannon), 40 JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLITICS, POLICY & LAW 577 (2015) See Here


Robert Bork & Commercial Speech, 10 JOURNAL OF LAW, ECONOMICS & POLICY 615 (2014) See Here


Climate Balkanization: Dormant Commerce and the Limits of State Energy Policy, 3 LSU JOURNAL OF ENERGY LAW AND RESOURCES 153 (2014) See Here


Conservative Principles for Environmental Reform, 23 DUKE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY FORUM 253 (2013). See Here


Placing “Reins” on Regulations: Assessing the Proposed REINS Act, 16 NYU JOURNAL OF LEGISLATION & PUBLIC POLICY 1 (2013). See Here


Wetlands, Property Rights, and the Due Process Deficit in Environmental Law, 12 CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW 139 (2012). See Here


Eyes on a Climate Prize: Rewarding Energy Innovation to Achieve Climate Stabilization, 42 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 10712 (2012). See Here


Water Rights, Markets, and Changing Ecological Conditions, 42 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 93 (2012). See Here


Interstate Competition and the Race to the Top, 35 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 89 (2011). See Here


The Supreme Court Disposes of a Nuisance Suit: American Electric Power v. Connecticut, 2010- 11 CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW 295 (2011). See Here


A Tale of Two Climate Cases, 121 YALE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 109 (2011) See Here


Cooperation, Commandeering or Crowding Out? Federal Intervention and State Choices in Health Care Policy, 20 KANSAS JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 199 (2011). See Here


Introduction – Symposium on Commercial Speech and Public Health, 21 HEALTH MATRIX 1 (2011). See Here


Heat Expands All Things: The Proliferation of Greenhouse Gas Regulation under the Obama Administration, 34 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 421 (2011). See Here


Standing Still in the Roberts Court, 59 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 1061 (2009). See Here


Taking Property Rights Seriously: The Case of Climate Change, SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY & POLICY, vol. 26, No. 2 (2009). See Here


Business, the Environment, and the Roberts Court: A Preliminary Assessment, 49 SANTA CLARA LAW REVIEW 943 (2009). See Here


Getting the Roberts Court Right: A Response to Chemerinsky, 54 WAYNE LAW REVIEW 983 (2008). See Here


Water Marketing as an Adaptive Response to the Threat of Climate Change, 31 HAMLINE LAW REVIEW 730 (2008). See Here


Introduction: Common Law Environmental Protection (w/ Andrew Morriss), 58 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 575 (2008). See Here


Reforming Our Wasteful Hazardous Waste Policies, 17 NYU ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 724 (2008). See Here


Hothouse Flowers: The Vices and Virtues of Climate Federalism, 17 TEMPLE POLITICAL AND CIVIL RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 443 (2008).


God, Gaia, The Taxpayer and the Lorax: Standing, Justiciability, and Separation of Powers after Massachusetts and Hein, 20 REGENT UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 175 (2008). See Here


Massachusetts v. EPA Heats Up Climate Policy No Less than Administrative Law: A Comment on Professors Watts and Wildermuth, 102 NORTHWESTERN LAW REVIEW COLLOQUY 32 (2007). See Here


Warming Up to Climate Change Litigation, 3 VA. L. REV. IN BRIEF 61 (2007). See Here


Back to the Future of Conservation: Changing Perceptions of Property Rights & Environmental Protection, 1 NYU JOURNAL OF LAW & LIBERTY 987 (2005). See Here


Jurisdictional Mismatch in Environmental Federalism, 14 NYU ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 130 (2005). See Here


Looking Ahead to the 2005-06 Term, CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW 2004-05 (2005). See Here


Is Morrison Dead? Assessing a Supreme Drug (Law) Overdose, 9 LEWIS & CLARK LAW REVIEW 751 (2005). See Here


Frank Meyer: The Fusionist as Federalist, PUBLIUS Vo. 34 No. 4 (Fall 2004). See Here


The Fable of Federal Environmental Regulation, 55 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 93 (2004). See Here


Remarks on Regulating Genetically Modified Foods: Is Mandatory Labeling the Right Answer?, 10 RICHMOND JOURNAL OF LAW & TECHNOLOGY (2004). See Here


Introduction: The Virtues and Vices of Skeptical Environmentalism (with Andrew Morriss), 53 CASE WESTERN LAW REVIEW 249 (2002). See Here


Legal Obstacles to Private Ordering in Marine Fisheries, 8 ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 9 (2002). See Here


Stand or Deliver: Citizen Suits, Standing, and Environmental Protection, 12 DUKE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY FORUM 39 (2001). See Here


The Cartagena Protocol and Biological Diversity: Biosafe or Bio-Sorry? 12 GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 761 (2000). See Here


Legal and Administrative Pitfalls that May Confront Climate Regulation, Niskanen Center, March 23, 2021. See Here


Bootleggers, Baptists and E-Cigarettes (w/ R. Meiners, A. Morriss & B. Yandle), (2015). See Here


A More Modest Court: The Ohio Supreme Court’s Newfound Judicial Restraint (w/ Christina M. Adler) (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies, 2008). See Here


Let Fifty Flowers Bloom: Transforming the State into Laboratories Environmental Policy (Federalism Project/American Enterprise Institute, 2001). See Here


Greenhouse Policy without Regrets, Lead Author (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2000). See Here


Environmental Performance at the Bench: The EPA's Record in Federal Court POLICY STUDY NO. 269 (Reason Public Policy Institute, 2000). See Here


Free Market Environmental Bibliography, 4 th Edition, Editor (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1996). See Here


Time to Reopen the Clean Air Act: Clearing Away the Regulatory Smog (w/ K.H. Jones), POLICY ANALYSIS NO. 233 (Cato Institute, 1995). See Here


Property Rights Reader, Editor (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 1995). See Here


Taken to the Cleaners: A Case Study of the Overregulation of American Small Business POLICY ANALYSIS NO. 233 (Cato Institute, 1993). See Here

Law Review Articles

The Delegation Doctrine, HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY (2024 forthcoming) (symposium, invited).


Standing without Injury (draft manuscript under review).


Speech Regulation and Tobacco Harm Reduction (with Jacob James Rich), JOURNAL OF FREE SPEECH LAW (2023 forthcoming).


Tarnished Gold: The Endangered Species Act at 50, F.I.U. LAW REVIEW (2023 forthcoming).


The Clean Water Act at 50: Is the Act Obsolete? 73 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 207 (2022). See Here


West Virginia v EPA: Some Answers about Major Questions, 2022 CATO SUPREME COURT REVIEW 37 (2022). See Here


Displacement and Preemption of Climate Nuisance Claims, 17 Journal of Law, Economics, & Policy (2022). See Here


Super-Deference and Heightened Scrutiny, 74 Florida Law Review (2022). See Here


The Legal and Administrative Risks of Climate Regulation, 51 Environmental Law Reporter 10485 (2021). See Here


Delegation and Time (w/ Christopher Walker), 105 IOWA LAW REVIEW 1931 (2020). See Here


Is the Clean Air Act Unconstitutional? Coercion, Cooperative Federalism, and Conditional Spending after NFIB v. Sebelius (w/ Nathaniel Stewart), 43 ECOLOGY LAW QUARTERLY 671 (2016). See Here


Baptists, Bootleggers, and Electronic Cigarettes (w/ Roger Meiners, Andrew Morriss & Bruce Yandle), 33 YALE JOURNAL ON REGULATION 313 (2016). See Here


Compelled Commercial Speech and the Consumer Right-to-Know, 58 ARIZONA LAW REVIEW 421 (2016). See Here


Learning How to Fish: Catch Shares and the Future of Fishery Conservation (with Nathaniel Stewart), 31 UCLA ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY REVIEW 150 (2013). See Here


Taxation without Representation: The Illegal IRS Rule to Expand Tax Credits under the PPACA (with Michael Cannon), 23 HEALTH MATRIX: JOURNAL OF LAW-MEDICINE 119 (2013). See Here


Eyes on a Climate Prize: Rewarding Energy Innovation to Achieve Climate Stabilization, 35 HARVARD ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 1 (2011). (Selected to be excerpted in annual ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY REVIEW issue of ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER (2012)). See Here


The Rest Is Silence: Chevron Deference, Agency Jurisdiction, and Statutory Silences (with Nathan Sales), 2009 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW 1497 (2009). See Here


Money or Nothing: The Adverse Environmental Consequences of Uncompensated Land-Use Controls, 49 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 301 (2008). (Selected for inclusion in LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 2009-10, compendium of ten best articles on land use or environmental law in 2008.) See Here


When Is Two a Crowd: The Impact of Federal Action on State Environmental Regulation, 31 HARVARD ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 67 (2007). (Finalist, LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 2008-09, compendium of ten best articles on land use or environmental law in 2007.) See Here


The Green Costs of Kelo: Economic Development Takings and Environmental Protection (with Ilya Somin), 84 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (2006). See Here


Reckoning with Rapanos: Revisiting “Waters of the United States” and the Limits of Federal Wetland Regulation, 14 MISSOURI ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY REVIEW 1 (2006). See Here


Judicial Federalism and the Future of Federal Environmental Regulation, 90 IOWA LAW REVIEW 377 (2005). See Here


Conservation through Collusion: Antitrust as an Obstacle to Marine Resource Conservation, 61 WASHINGTON AND LEE LAW REVIEW 3 (2004). See Here 


Fables of the Cuyahoga: Reconstructing a History of Environmental Protection, 14 FORDHAM ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 89 (2002). See Here


Let 50 Flowers Bloom: Transforming the States into Laboratories of Environmental Policy, 31 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 11284 (2001). See Here


The Ducks Stop Here? The Environmental Challenge to Federalism, 9 SUPREME COURT ECONOMIC REVIEW 205 (2001). (Finalist, LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW, ten best articles on land use or environmental law in 2001; reprinted in ECONOMICS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (R. Epstein ed. 2009)). See Here


Free and Green: A New Approach to Environmental Protection, 24 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY 653 (2001). (Finalist, LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW, ten best articles on land use or environmental law in 2001.) See Here


More Sorry than Safe: Assessing the Precautionary Principle and the Proposed International Biosafety Protocol, 35 TEXAS INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 173 (2000). See Here 


Wetlands, Waterfowl, and the Menace of Mr. Wilson: Commerce Clause Jurisprudence and the Limits of Federal Wetlands Regulation, 29 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 1 (1999). See Here


Book Contributions

Nature and the Firm, CLIMATE LIBERALISM: PERSPECTIVES ON LIBERTY, PROPERTY AND POLLUTION, Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism (Jonathan H. Adler ed., 2023). See Here


Introduction, CLIMATE LIBERALISM: PERSPECTIVES ON LIBERTY, PROPERTY AND POLLUTION, Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism (Jonathan H. Adler ed., 2023). See Here


A ‘Step Zero’ for Delegations, in in The Administrative State Before the Supreme Court: Perspectives on the Nondelegation Doctrine (Peter Wallison & John Yoo eds., AEI Press 2022). See Here


Introduction, MARIJUANA FEDERALISM: UNCLE SAM AND MARY JANE (J. Adler ed., Brookings Institution Press, 2020). See Here


Environmental Protection: Final Frontier or Achilles Heel? THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF CLASSICAL LIBERAL THOUGHT (T. Henderson ed., 2018). See Here


Business as Usual? The Roberts Court and Environmental Law, in BUSINESS AND THE ROBERTS COURT (J. Adler ed. 2016). See Here


Introduction: In Search of the Probusiness Court, in BUSINESS AND THE ROBERTS COURT (J. Adler ed. 2016). 

See Here


The Ad Hoc Implementation and Enforcement of Health Care Reform, in LIBERTY’S NEMESIS: THE UNCHECKED EXPANSION OF THE STATE (D. Reuter & J. Yoo eds., 2016) See Here


The Future of Health Care Reform Remains in Federal Court, in THE FUTURE OF HEALTH CARE REFORM IN THE UNITED STATES (M. Schill & A. Malani eds., 2015). See Here




Judicial Minimalism, the Mandate, and Mr. Roberts, THE HEALTH CARE CASES: THE SUPREME COURT’S DECISION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS (N. Persily, G. Metzger, & T. Morrison, eds., 2013). See Here


The False Promise of Federalization, in SILENT SPRING AT 50: THE FALSE CRISES OF RACHEL CARSON (A. Morriss, R. Meiners & P. Desrochers eds. 2012). See Here


Labeling the Little Things, THE NANOTECHNOLOGY CHALLENGE (D. Dana ed., 2011). See Here


The Leaky Ark: The Failure of Endangered Species Regulation on Private Land, REBUILDING THE ARK: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT REFORM (J. Adler ed., 2011). See Here


The Problems with Precaution: A Principle without Principle, CROP CHEMOPHOBIA (J. Entine ed., 2010). See Here


Perverse Incentives and the Endangered Species Act, ISSUES OF THE DAY: 100 COMMENTARIES ON CLIMATE, ENERGY, THE ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORTATION, AND PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY (Ian W.H. Parry & Felicia Day eds., 2010). See Here


Taking Property Rights Seriously, THE ENVIRONMENT: PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY (Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jr., and Jeffrey Paul, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2009). See Here


Environment, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIBERTARIANISM (R. Hamowy ed., 2008). See Here




Antitrust Barriers to Cooperative Fishery Management, in THE EVOLUTION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS IN FISHERIES (D. Leal ed., 2004). See Here


Letting Fifty Flowers Bloom: Using Federalism to Spur Environmental Innovation, in THE JURISDYNAMICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: CHANGE AND THE PRAGMATIC VOICE IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (J. Chen ed., 2004). See Here


Do Conservation Conventions Conserve? in SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: PROMOTING PROGRESS OR PERPETUATING POVERTY? (J. Morris, ed. 2002). See Here


The Precautionary Principle’s Challenge to Progress, in GLOBAL WARMING AND OTHER ECO-MYTHS (R. Bailey, ed. 2002). See Here


Clean Politics, Dirty Profits, in POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM: GOING BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN (T. Anderson, ed., 2000). See Here


Benchmarks (w/ Peter Cazamias), in THE TRUE STATE OF THE PLANET (R. Bailey, ed., 1995). See Here


Clean Fuels, Dirty Air, in ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS: PUBLIC COSTS, PRIVATE REWARDS (M. Greve and F. Smith, eds., 1992). See Here

Essays & Reviews

The Restrained Roberts Court, NATIONAL REVIEW, July 31, 2023. See Here

Failure to Recover: The Endangered Species Act at 50, PERC REPORTS, Summer 2023. See Here

Uneducating Americans on Vaping (with Jacob James Rich), REGULATION, Summer 2023. See Here

Is the Chevron Era about to End? (Review of T. Merrill, The Chevron Doctrine: Its Rise and
Fall, and the Future of the Administrative State), REGULATION, Summer 2023. See Here


On Universal Vacatur, the Supreme Court, and the D.C. Circuit, YALE JOURNAL ON REGULATION Notice & Comment Blog, March 1, 2023. Jonathan H. Adler Page 12. See Here


Andrew Koppelman’s Half-Way Hayekianism (contribution to symposium on A. Koppelman’s Burning Down the House), Balkinization, Nov. 28, 2022. See Here

A Progressive Defense of Cost–Benefit Analysis (Review of Reviving Rationality: Saving Cost–Benefit Analysis for the Sake of the Environment and Our Health by Michael A. Livermore and Richard L. Revesz), REGULATION (Summer 2022).  See Here


Shadow Orders Keep Courts in Line, Environmental Forum, Jan/Feb 2022. See Here


The Law of “. . . Or Else” (Review of P. Hamburger, Purchasing Submission: Conditions, Power, and Freedom), National Review, Dec. 27, 2021. See Here


The Administrative Presidency Encounters Opportunistic Federalism (Review of F. Thompson, K. Wong, & B. Rabe, Trump, the Administrative Presidency, and Federalism), Regulation (Winter 2021-22) See Here


Markets and Dematerialization (Review of A. McAfee, More From Less: The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources – and What Happens Next), Regulation (Winter 2021-22) See Here


Conservatives Need to Engage in Climate Policy Debate, The Bulwark, Aug. 20, 2021. See Here


A Rearguard Defense of the Administrative State (review of C. Sunstein & A. Vermeule, Law & Leviathan: Redeeming the Administrative State), Regulation, Summer 2021. See Here


How Green Is the Roberts Court? THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM (Nov/Dec 2020) (cover story). See Here


Taking Carbon to Court [Review of R. Lazarus, The Rule of Five: Making Climate History at the Supreme Court] THE NEW ATLANTIS (Fall 2020). See Here


What Makes Marijuana Dispensaries Essential Businesses? Even When Federal Law Technically Prohibits Them, LITHUB, June 30, 2020. See Here


This Is the Real John Roberts, NEW YORK TIMES, July 7, 2020. See Here


Conservative Ideology and the Environment [Review of Turner & Isenberg, The Republican Reversal: Conservative and the Environment From Nixon to Trump], REGULATION (Summer 2020). See Here


Is Administrative Law Immoral? (Review of Richard Epstein, The Dubious Morality of Modern Administrative Law), NATIONAL REVIEW, May 18, 2020. See Here


A Reply to Our Interlocutors (w/ Christopher Walker), THE REGULATORY REVIEW, March 11, 2020 See Here


Reviving Congress’s Ambition (w/ Christopher Walker), THE REGULATORY REVIEW, March 2, 2020. See Here


Nondelegation for the Delegators (w/ Christopher Walker), REGULATION, Spring 2020 See Here


Trump Pulled Us Out of the Paris Accord. So What’s the Conservative Playbook for Climate Change? LOS ANGELES TIMES, Nov. 5, 2019. See Here


Not Mandates, But Facilitation and Encouragement, THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM, September/October 2019. See Here


What’s Wrong with Chevron Deference Is Congress, NATIONAL REVIEW, June 24, 2019. See Here


Redefining Waters of the United States, REGULATION, Summer 2019. See Here


What the Lawless Obamacare Ruling Means (w/ Abbe Gluck), THE NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 15, 2018. See Here


Hostile Environment, NATIONAL REVIEW, Oct. 15, 2018. See Here


Will Kavanaugh Curb Sloppy White House Deregulation? THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 2018. See Here


An Obamacare Case So Wrong It Has Provoked a Bipartisan Outcry” (w/ Abbe Gluck), THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 19, 2018. See Here


Markets the Rule, Government the Exception,” THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM, May/June 2018. See Here


The Case for Fewer Lawyers (review of B. Barros & S. Bibas, Rebooting Justice), WALL STREET JOURNAL, Sept. 7, 2017. See Here


Pangloss and the Bureaucrats (review of A. Vermeule, Law’s Abnegation), NATIONAL REVIEW, Feb. 6, 2017 See Here


Accounting for Dynamic Nature, PERC REPORTS, Summer 2016. See Here


An Administrative Law Fairy Tale, LIBERTY LAW FORUM, Feb. 12, 2016. See Here


Redefining Waters of the United States, PERC REPORTS, Winter 2015. See Here


Bootleggers, Baptists, and E-Cigs (w/ R. Meiners, A. Morriss & B. Yandle), REGULATION (Spring 2015). See Here


Learning How to Fish (w/ Nathaniel Stewart), REGULATION, Spring 2014. See Here


The Conservative Record on Environmental Policy (review of J. Layzer, Open for Business: Conservatives' Opposition to Environmental Regulation), THE NEW ATLANTIS (Summer 2013). See Here


Navigating the Coming Water Crisis (Review of L. Solomon, America’s Water and Wastewater Crisis: The Role of Private Enterprise), LIBERTY LAW BLOG, July 12, 2013. See Here


The D.C. Circuit Is Hardly in Crisis, THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM, May/June 2013. See Here


How Not to Label GM Foods, THE NEW ATLANTIS (Summer 2012). See Here


Positive Steps, Silver Linings (with Nathaniel Stewart), NATIONAL REVIEW, July 30, 2012. See Here


Is the Common Law the Free Market Solution to Pollution? CRITICAL REVIEW vol. 24, no. 1 (2012). See Here


Some Shade of Green, NATIONAL REVIEW, December 31, 2011. See Here


The Challenge of Regulating Objectively (review of D. Kysar, Regulating from Nowhere: Environmental Law and the Search for Objectivity), THE NEW ATLANTIS (Spring 2011). See Here


Will the REINS Act Rein in Federal Regulation? REGULATION, vol. 34, no. 2 (2011). See Here


(Mostly) Realism on Global Warming (review of R. Pielke Jr., The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won’t Tell You about Global Warming), REGULATION, vol. 34, no. 1 (2011). See Here


The EPA’s Carbon Footprint, REASON (March 2010). See Here


The Record of the Roberts Court in Environmental Cases: Pro-Business or Pro-Government? ENGAGE, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2010). See Here


The Clean Water Land Grab, REGULATION, vol. 32, no. 4 (2009-2010). See Here


Kindler, Gentler Cost-Benefit Analysis (review of R. Revesz & M. Livermore, Retaking Rationality: How Cost Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health), REGULATION, vol. 32, no. 4 (2009-2010). See Here


Conservation without Regulation: Property-Based Environmental Protection (transcript of talk at University of Cincinnati College of Law), ENGAGE, vol. 10, Issue 2 (2009). See Here


Warming Up to Water Markets, REGULATION, vol. 31, no. 4 (2008). See Here


The Green Bridge to Nowhere, (review of J. Speth, The Bridge at the End of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability), THE NEW ATLANTIS (Fall 2008). See Here


An Animal to Save the World, THE NEW ATLANTIS (Summer 2008). See Here


Backing Up Words with (Intelligent, Targeted) Action, THE NEW REPUBLIC ONLINE, January 30, 2008. See Here


Anti-Conservation Incentives, REGULATION, vol. 30, no. 4 (2007). See Here


Can the Golden State Catch a Greenhouse Waiver?, ENGAGE (2007). See Here


Devaluing Science, review of R. Pielke, The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics, THE NEW ATLANTIS (Summer 2007). See Here


Don’t Politicize Science (Unless You’re on My Side), review of C. Mooney, The Republican War on Science, REGULATION (Spring 2007). See Here


Standing in the Hot-Seat: Climate Change Litigation, ENGAGE, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2007). See Here


Prosecuting Journalists Would be Unprecedented and Unwise, NATIONAL SECURITY LAW REPORT, Vol. 28, No. 3 (September 2006). See Here


Review of D. Schoenbrod, Saving the Environment from Washington, INDEPENDENT REVIEW, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Summer 2006). See Here


How to Protect Environmental Protections? 25 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 10413 (2005) (roundtable transcript). See Here


A Vast-Right Wing Conspiracy: It’s Neither Vast nor a Conspiracy. Discuss, LEGAL AFFAIRS (May-June 2005). See Here


Conservation Cartels: How Competition Policy Conflicts with Environmental Protection, REGULATION Vol. 27, No. 4 (2004). See Here


The Role of the Judiciary in Preserving Federalism, 1 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LAW & PUBLIC POLICY, Symposium Issue 49 (2002). See Here


(Review) Free Market Environmentalism Revised Edition, 22 CATO JOURNAL 182 (2002). See Here


Judicial Federalism Not Anti-Environment, ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM, vol. 19, No. 4 (2002). See Here


Waste & the Dormant Commerce Clause – A Reply (response to Richard Epstein), 3 GREEN BAG 2D 353 (2000). See Here


Faux Market Environmentalism, REGULATION, Vol. 23, No. 1 (2000). See Here


Swamp Rules: The End of Federal Wetlands Regulation? REGULATION, Vol. 22, No. 2 (1999). See Here


There’s No Justice in EPA’s Environmental Justice Policy, 6 CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY 183 (1999). See Here


A New Environmental Federalism, FORUM FOR APPLIED RESEARCH AND PUBLIC POLICY (Winter 1998). See Here


Bean Counting for a Better Earth: Environmental Enforcement at the EPA, REGULATION, Vol. 21, No. 2 (1998). See Here


Rent-Seeking Behind the Green Curtain, REGULATION, Vol. 19, No. 4 (1996). See Here

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